SMI Releases New Resource to Re-energize Supplier Diversity Programs
Kingston, MA (March 30, 2023): SMI®, a non-profit community of healthcare supply chain organizations, released a new resource to re-energize supplier diversity programs across the healthcare supply chain. This resource includes 5 manageable steps that organizations can take to improve their programs, build a business case, and determine KPIs. This resource was developed by a Council of SMI members, all executive leaders from hospital providers, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and disruptors who work side-by-side to make transformational changes in the healthcare industry. Download a free copy of this new resource, 5 Steps to Jump Start Your Supplier Diversity Program here.
In 2022 SMI’s Diversity & Inclusion Council began working to uncover supplier diversity best practices. Council members shared resources and insights and began outlining steps considered essential for an innovative supplier diversity program. The Diversity & Inclusion Council is one of SMI’s 5 Thought Leadership Councils that represent certain strategic imperative “pillars” embraced by SMI members that are essential for creating a leading-edge, cohesive, resilient supply chain. These Councils provide SMI members an opportunity to connect on key, strategic topics over time and work together to move the industry forward.
Bill Moir, Senior Vice President, Supply Chain Management at Henry Ford Health System and SMI’s Diversity & Inclusion Council Provider Co-Chair said, “it is becoming increasingly apparent just how vital diverse suppliers are to our healthcare ecosystem. We must continue to provide education and guidance to support these essential organizations within our communities.”
Robert Rajalingam, President, U.S. Medical Products & Distribution for Cardinal Health, and SMI’s Diversity & Inclusion Industry Partner Co-Chair said, “at SMI we can harness the collective expertise from top healthcare organizations to uncover the key components required for a best-in-class supplier diversity program. We can then share this information with the industry, so everyone is able to achieve a program that is inclusive, scalable, and sustainable.”
This new resource is a precursor to a more detailed Supplier Diversity Playbook the team will publish in 2023. The Playbook will be available at no-charge on the SMI website soon and includes a self-assessment tool, best practices, technology resources, and a scorecard to track meaningful KPI’s.
To learn more about SMI, its programs, and its community of members, visit: www.smisupplychain.com
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SMI provides a nexus for healthcare providers, suppliers, and distributors to network and collaborate on innovations that drive meaningful improvements in supply chain agility, efficiency, and resilience. We provide a unique, non-commercial community where members forge long-term relationships as they work together to improve patient care. For more information about SMI, including a complete list of members, visit: www.smisupplychain.com.