Step 1 of 4
Collaborative decision making between SC and MDs/ Nursing leaders/ Finance for product purchase, procedures and care pathways. Program based, agile partnership between SC and MDs on clinical & economic evidence, performance metrics and tracking.
Physicians/Clinicians engaged in decision making from the planning stages. Service line focused approach with emphasis on performance metrics on tracking.
Physicians/Clinicians engaged in supply chain decisions near the end of a decision (for a category or contract). Physician/Clinician preferences acknowledged.
Limited/ no connectivity between Supply Chain and physicians/clinicians. Physicians/Clinicians preferences rarely acknowledged for contracts. Main emphasis is on cost of the device/ equipment rather than clinical evidence, supply reliability & forecasting plans.
Governance structure (including supply chain, Physician/Clinician and Finance leaders) in place to analyze the data and make it actionable for the hospital system. Contract Compliance is actively monitored to drive maximum value for provider. Product decisions are proactive and strategic to drive quality, value and standardization. (Process to monitor compliance for collaborative decisions of purchase).
Strong value analysis program established where clinical evidence is in use in many cases. Physicians are on the committees / are engaged but not completely aligned.
IDN has limited value analysis program led by supply chain. Product decisions are made with limited or no physician engagement. Purchases mainly based on demand.
Process workflows not clearly defined for driving clinical Efficiency. IDN has no or limited value analysis program. Product decisions are made without physician/clinician engagement, based on short term demands only.
Transparent data analysis, use of automation/ AI to drive accountability and compliance. Interoperability between SC and EMR syses for better utilization tracking and forecasting.
SC and EMR platforms connected but may not drive decisions-making or provide actionable insights & foreasting. SUpply usage is available and ties in with quality and outcomers - may rquire interfaces or manial manipulation.
Some visibility to SC via EMR or reporting but not readily available or is manual. Limited interfaces or integrations.
No integration between Supply Chain and EMR systems to assess and predict forecasting of devices/equipment across IDN.